CG Drug Residue Detection kits/ Cellgene Bioscience


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50% Discount for Cellgene Bioscience branded all Drug Residue Detection kits for trial purposes.

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  • Valid Period:

    June 1,2024-December 31, 2024

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    48 Tests/96 Tests/50 Tests/100 Tests

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    7-10 days

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CG Drug Residue Detection kits/ Cellgene Bioscience
Article numberDescriptionSizeTarget
CH-K0018-2CHO Host Cell Protein, G2 (CHO HCP) ELISA kit96TCHO HCP residue
HH-H0019-1HEK 293 Host Cell Protein, G1 (HEK 293 HCP) ELISA kit96THEK 293 HCP residue
EH-E0020-1E. coli Host Cell Protein, G1 (E. coli HCP) ELISA kit96TE. coli HCP residue
PH-E0021-1Pichia Yeast Host Cell Protein, G1 (Pichia Yeast HCP) ELISA kit96TPichia Yeast HCP residue
NEGES0890Protein A ELISA Kit96TPA
NEGEP0890Protein A ELISA Kit (Non-Native Protein)96TPA
NE03I0431Mouse Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit96TIgG
NE11I0431Bovine Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit96TIgG
NE01I0431Human Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit96TIgG
CH-K0018-2-48TCHO Host Cell Protein, G2 (CHO HCP) ELISA kit48TCHO HCP residue
HH-H0019-1-48THEK 293 Host Cell Protein, G1 (HEK 293 HCP) ELISA kit48THEK 293 HCP residue
EH-E0020-1-48TE. coli Host Cell Protein, G1 (E. coli HCP) ELISA kit48TE. coli HCP residue
PH-E0021-1-48TPichia Yeast Host Cell Protein, G1 (Pichia Yeast HCP) ELISA kit48TPichia Yeast HCP residue
NEGES0890-48TProtein A ELISA Kit48TPA
NE03I0431-48TMouse Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit48TIgG
NE11I0431-48TBovine Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit48TIgG
NE01I0431-48THuman Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit48TIgG
NS-D050TNS0 Host Cell DNA (NS0 HCD) Residue Detection kit50TNS0 Host Cell DNA residue
NS-D100TNS0 Host Cell DNA (NS0 HCD) Residue Detection kit100TNS0 Host Cell DNA residue
EC-D050TE.coli Host Cell DNA (E.coli HCD) Residue Detection kit50TE.coli Host Cell DNA
EC-D100TE.coli Host Cell DNA  (E.coli HCD) Residue Detection kit100TE.coli Host Cell DNA
VE-D050TVero Host Cell DNA  (Vero HCD) Residue Detection kit50TVero Host Cell DNA Residue
VE-D100TVero Host Cell DNA (Vero HCD) Residue Detection kit100TVero Host Cell DNA Residue
HK-D050THEK293 Host Cell DNA (HEK293 HCD) Residue Detection kit50THEK293 Host Cell DNA Residue
HK-D100THEK293 Host Cell DNA (HEK293 HCD) Residue Detection kit100THEK293 Host Cell DNA Residue
CH-D050TCHO Host Cell DNA (CHO HCD) Residue Detection Kit50TCHO Host Cell DNA Residue
CH-D100TCHO Host Cell DNA (CHO HCD) Residue Detection Kit100TCHO Host Cell DNA Residue
PP-D050TPichia Pastoris Host Cell DNA (Pichia Pastoris HCD) Residue Detection Kit50TPichia Pastoris Host Cell DNA Residue
PP-D100TPichia Pastoris Host Cell DNA (Pichia Pastoris HCD) Residue Detection Kit100TPichia Pastoris Host Cell DNA Residue
CG-DP100Magnetic Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit100T
CG-DP050Magnetic Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit50T

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